Complete document workflow: create, send, sign and track.

Sign, organize, and manage documents without bureaucracy

Digital signature with certificate

Sign with or without digital certificate and in compliance with Brazilian legislation.

Document automation

Create, edit, or import documents from the templates library and Google Drive.

Inclusion and management of users and groups

Track the history of tasks and activities of employees within processes and groups.

Smart filters in the dashboard

Use smart filters to track the performance of signatures and documents in process or finalized.

Cloud Storage (GED)

Store, use filters, and intelligently search for documents in the cloud.

Dashboard with performance indicators

Track the status of signatures, financial postings, receipts, and payments in charts.

Who is it for?

Business, Premium, and Enterprise plans provide training, support, and complete functionality for companies that need to organize, centralize, and track a high volume of documents, and integrate processes between teams.

Workflow steps

The flow of business documents is formed by the pre-signature, signature, and post-signature steps.

Manage documents faster, securely, and legally.

Menos de 3 minutos

Esse é o tempo que você leva para analisar e revisar contratos com o CK Reader, a sua nova ferramenta de Inteligência Contratual.