See how Copelmi has improved its document workflow with Contraktor



Porto Alegre



Contracted plan


Years of history

Since 1883, when it was founded, Copelmi has been working on the extraction of coal, contributing to the development of the sector and generating energy. Here in Brazil, the company is a pioneer in this field and today is responsible for more than 80% of the coal for industrial use in the country. In addition, Copelmi maintains the concession of more than 3 billion tons of coal.

Responsible for a significant movement of a natural good as important as coal, Copelmi is daily faced with demands that require efficient contract management. Currently, the company deals with documents in all sectors, especially in the provision of services and on leases.



of paper and logistics


new contracts

number of contract completions in just 15 minutes using Contraktor



is the average time for the formalization of contracts between suppliers and customers

Seeking to optimize costs and time in the processing of contracts, Copelmi partnered with Contraktor and in 2 months already noticed the results of Digital Transformation. Priscila Vaz, Internal Audit Analyst at Copelmi, emphasized how easy the procedures and monitoring of the entire contract life cycle became. According to her, the prioritization of tasks has become more practical, due to the feature that shows at what stage each contract is.

In addition to day-to-day optimization, Copelmi has seen a significant reduction in costs and time.

Mainly used for: task organization, monitoring contract phase and viewing history.

70% time optimization

“The System has brought flexibility, at this time we are prioritizing the digitalization of all our contracts into the system so that managers have access to their contracts. In addition to bringing better organization and maintaining a history of what we accomplish. It shows all tasks that I must prioritize, as well as showing which phase the contracts are in (e.g. signing/in progress). One of contraktor’s highlights is customer service, they provide support at all times, are engaged in helping us and meeting what we need. The staff is excellent.”

Priscila T Machado Vaz

Internal Audit Analyst

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Menos de 3 minutos

Esse é o tempo que você leva para analisar e revisar contratos com o CK Reader, a sua nova ferramenta de Inteligência Contratual.