How Sambatech used Contraktor to save time in the employee admission process



Belo Horizonte



Contract plan


Documents signed per year

Managing contracts is a task that has increasingly required agility and security. Both for those who create and for those who sign. This aspect is important in several operations, from sales to hiring people. And it was for the latter that Sambatech – a reference company in the video market and one of the most innovative in the world – sought Contraktor.

Sambatech’s Human Resources department handles a multitude of documents. This, over time, caused the accumulation of paper and the need to allocate several people to manage the entire workflow. Consequently, the department devoted significant time to ensuring the security and reliability of documents.

The list of documents is vast, from terms of responsibility to supplier contracts, among others.

All this led Joseane Cruz, an analyst in the Personal Department of Sambatech and his team to spend a significant part of their time writing, printing, signing and receiving employee’s signature, analyzing and archiving documents physically. In addition, the department had high costs with the printing of these contracts.

The admission process was also time-consuming, because Sambatech’s admission terms demanded attention. This ended up causing delay in the acceptance by approved candidates.

Using Contraktor to automate all stages of this workflow, Joseane Cruz was able to notice, in the first few weeks:

“The platform has helped us optimize time, for example on admission, since Samba’s admission terms are very complete and require time for the approved candidate to read carefully. Documents are more accessible now and the technology used contributes a lot to making processes faster and more complete.”


The demand

The results

“Documents are more accessible and the technology used contributes a lot to faster and more complete processes.”


Want to understand how Contraktor can help your business?

Menos de 3 minutos

Esse é o tempo que você leva para analisar e revisar contratos com o CK Reader, a sua nova ferramenta de Inteligência Contratual.